
Sunday, November 3, 2013


This year is flying by!

I'm linking with Farley for her November Currently!

I am currently watching Iron Man on TV. I can't tell you how many times I've watched it lately. It's great background noise.

I'm loving the extra hour of sleep last night and knowing it will be daylight when I drive to work tomorrow.

I really need to clean my house. But I'm just not in the mood. It really has to happen soon. :)

I've had a nagging sore throat and sinus ick for a week. It has gotten worse this weekend and today my voice has been croaking.

So I really NEED a beach vacation. :)

I love the Pioneer Woman and I made her Hot Corn Chili Dip this weekend. It is going to become new favorite as soon as I get it spicy enough. I was taking it to a friend's party and she requested I make a mild version. It was good, but I'm sure the regular version will be awesome!

Have a great week!


  1. I hate the end of Daylight Savings. It messes with by body clock, and I hate to drive in the dark. I guess I will have to finish my work earlier so I can head home in the light. Easier said than done. Good luck with dealing with your sore throat.

  2. I love the Pioneer Woman's recipes too...and she happens to be my neighbor...well ok we live in the came county in Oklahoma..but her ranch is just up the highway from me:)

  3. Oh yum! I am going to have to try that recipe! I would love a good beach vacation right about now! It is starting to get chilly in my neck of the woods and I would love a little warmth!
    Lisen :)
    Second Grade Smartypants
